
  • Dr. Abrams / PhD / Virology, Microbiology, Oncology, Pathology, Immunology

    Dr. Abrams holds a Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Connecticut. She was a Senior Postdoctoral Fellow and a Lady Tata Memorial Fellow in Leukemia Research at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. As Project Leader and Senior Scientist at biotechnology companies, Dr. Abrams developed therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostics for viral diseases. She has presented research at international scientific symposia and published articles in journals. As President of a market research consulting firm, Dr. Abrams advises pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients. Moreover, she was Director of Scientific Services at Bion Medical Education and SSW Healthcare Communications. Currently, Dr. Abrams is President of a firm consulting on writing and editing for medical education.

  • Dr. Abriola / PhD / Protein Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Oncology

    Dr. Abriola obtained a B.S. in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, and completed several years of postdoctoral research work.  He has co-authored 15 research-based publications and presentations, and also has been employed as a scientific and medical writer and editor for 10 years in the field of medical communications.  He has experience developing manuscripts, monographs, posters, slide kits, executive summaries, and other materials based on clinical study results and scientific data from a variety of sources.  As a medical communicator, he has worked in the areas of oncology, respiratory disease, neurology, cardiovascular disease, and dermatology.

  • Dr. Alexander / PhD / Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Protein Chemistry

    Dr. Alexander received a B.S. in chemistry from Youngstown State University and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Kentucky. She has edited and written scientific material in a wide range of areas, including inorganic chemistry, biochemistry and immunology. Her publication record includes several scientific and non-scientific articles. She is currently conducting research in mucosal immunology.

  • Dr. Balch / Doctorado / Bioquímica, Biología Molecular, Química Proteica, Epigenética, Biología Oncológica

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dr. Battaglia / Doctorado / Fisiología, genética, bioquímica, bioenergética, biokinesiología

    La Dra. Battaglia recibió su doctorado de la Universidad del Este de Carolina en el departamento de Bioenergética y Ciencias del ejercicio. Varios artículos suyos han sido publicados en el American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism y colaboró con las áreas de edición para el International Journal of Sports Medicine durante cuatro años. Sus áreas de conocimiento incluyen el metabolismo, la fisiología y la bioquímica, centrándose especialmente en la prevención de la obesidad y el tratamiento de adolescentes y jóvenes adultos. También tiene experiencia escribiendo y editando manuscritos, comunicados de presa, artículos online, propuestas de subvenciones y material educativo sobre una amplia variedad de ciencias de la salud y temas médicos para amplias audiencias, desde personas ajenas a la ciencia hasta físicos e investigadores.

  • Dr. Barber / PhD / Pharmacology, Microbiology, Oncology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Bioinformatics

    Dr. Barber received a BS with high honors in Biology and a PhD in Pharmacology focused on cancer chemotherapy and cell cycle regulation. His postdoctoral fellowship in Pharmaceutical Sciences focused on the cross-regulation of drug metabolism and energy homeostasis. With years of experience as a freelance writer and editor, he has written, edited, and proofread documents representing a vast array of scientific and medical disciplines. His experience includes developing and editing manuscripts, abstracts, poster presentations, grants, dissertations, books, and PowerPoint presentations. Additionally, he has extensive experience in working with non-native English-speaking writers.

  • Dr. Bedord / Doctorado / Bioquímica, investigación clínica, oncología, farmacología, inmunología

    El Dr. Bedord recibió su doctorado en bioquímica de la Universidad de Wyoming, completó sus estudios de posdoctorado y trabajó como científico investigador y gestor de proyectos durante más de 20 años en grandes empresas farmacéuticas y pequeñas empresas biotecnológicas. Ha dirigido y gestionado numerosos proyectos de I+D en fármacos de un amplio número de áreas terapéuticas que incluyen: la oncología, reumatología, VIH, dolor, Alzheimer, oftalmología y trasplante de órganos. Ha publicado trabajos de investigación en publicaciones revisadas por expertos, presentados en conferencias científicas nacionales y regionales y ha trabajado como revisor para periódicos científicos/profesionales. Tiene experiencia en la revisión preclínica y estudios clínicos de datos, preparando documentos para presentarlos ante la FDA.

  • Dr. Andringa / PhD / Biochemistry, Free Radical Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Radiology/Toxicology

    Dr. Andringa has a bachelor degree in biochemistry and received her PhD from the University of Iowa and specialized in Free Radical Biology and Radiation Biology. She is currently involved in grant administration. Dr. Andringa has published multiple articles and book chapters in the fields of Biochemistry, Cancer Biology and Toxicology. Her editorial interests are in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Toxicology, Free Radical Biology and Radiation Biology.

  • Dr. Birkhauser / MD / Pediatrics, Psychiatry/ Psychology, Human Anatomy, Internal Medicine, Neuroscience

    Dr. Birkhauser received a BS in Neuroscience from the University of California at Los Angeles in 2003, an MS in Applied Physiology from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in 2004, and an MD from the Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in 2008. She is currently a Resident Physician specializing in Pediatrics at the University of California at Irvine. She has experience in copyediting and proofreading various articles in both medical and non-medical disciplines. Her primary areas of expertise fall within the clinical arena, but she also has a broad knowledge of various scientific fields including neuroscience, physiology, and pharmacology.

  • Dr. Bucknum / PhD / Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Pharmacology, Crystallography

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dr. Campora / Doctorado / Biología molecular y celular, patología, toxicología, genética, neurociencia

    La Dra. Campora se doctoró en biología celular y molecular en la Universidad de Hawaii (UH), donde se especializó en neurocirugía marina. Trabajó como becaria posdoctoral en la UH, en el departamento de anatomía, bioquímica y fisiología y pasó más de 15 años en varios laboratorios de investigación en la Universidad de Stanford, UH, y en empresas privadas de biotecnología. La Dra. Campora tiene más de 8 años de experiencia escribiendo y editando manuscritos clínicos y científicos para organizaciones gubernamentales y hablantes de inglés no nativos. Su amplio rango de competencias abarca la biología celular y molecular, medicina clínica, genética, neurociencia, farmacología, enfermedades infecciosas, inmunología, patología, biología oncológica y toxicología ambiental.

  • Dr. Carey / PhD / Physiology, Clinical Investigation, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Molecular and Cellular Biology

    Dr. Carey received his PhD in physiology from the University of Adelaide and has since been working as a research scientist in the Department of Obsetrics and Gynecology. He has published over 20 peer reviewed scientific articles, several book chapters, and has served as a manuscript reviewer for Pediatric Research and the American Journal of Physiology. Dr Carey has been editing and rewriting manuscripts for non-native English speakers since 2003.

  • Dr. Carpenter / MD / Internal Medicine, Pharmacology, Clinical Investigation, Microbiology, Psychiatry/ Psychology

    Dr. Carpenter is a pharmacist, physician, and author with over 15 years of professional writing experience as a medical and drug information writer for healthcare professionals and the lay public. Areas of interest includes pharmaceuticals, infectious diseases, tropical diseases, parasitism, oncology, neurology, immunology, rheumatology, global health, and maternal and child health.

  • Dr. Carroll / PhD / Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biochemistry, Protein Chemistry, Genetics, Physiology

    Dr. Carroll obtained a B.S. in Microbiology, an M.S. in Zoology, and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Science, and is currently an Associate Professor, teaching Genetics, Developmental Biology, and Bioinformatics to undergraduate and graduate students. He also directs a research laboratory concerned with the study of signal transduction during fertilization. He has published in top journals such as the Journal of Cell Biology, and recently completed an edition of the Methods in Molecular Biology book series entitled “Microinjection: Methods and Applications”. He also has several years experience as a reviewer for granting agencies, as a textbook reviewer for McGraw-Hill and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., as an ad hoc reviewer for peer-reviewed journals such as Developmental Biology, and as an editor for Biomed Proofreading (since 2007).

  • Dr. Copeland / PhD / Molecular and Cellular Biology, Virology, Genetics, Microbiology, Toxicology

    Dr. Copeland has a Ph.D. in molecular and cellular biology, specializing in tropical medicine, parasite genetics, and retrotransposons/retroviruses, with postdoctoral experience in molecular entomology (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture), and noncoding RNA/computational genomics (University of Leipzig, Germany). She has published 12 peer-reviewed articles in journals such as Gene and Journal of Virology. While working as a researcher, she began working as a biomedical editor, especially for scientists who are non-native English speakers. She now works as a writer and editor, editing manuscripts in a broad range of biological topics, including public health, agriculture, environmental/field studies, epidemiology, and medicine. She has extensive experience working with authors who are non-native English speakers.

  • Dr. Croft / MD / Clinical Investigation, Microbiology, Internal Medicine, Pathology, Pharmacology

    Dr. Croft trained in England at Oxford and London Universities, and qualified as M.D. in 1985. He subsequently obtained Master degrees at London University, and diplomas in epidemiology, health services management and infectious diseases. He has taught and published extensively (60+ peer-reviewed scientific articles), and he is Editor-in-Chief of an open-access parasitology journal. He has very wide experience in copy editing and in proofreading scientific articles across a broad range of disciplines. His primary area of expertise is public health medicine generally, and specifically, clinical investigation, epidemiology and the prevention and management of infectious diseases.

  • Dr. Cunningham / Máster y Doctorado / Oncología, immunología, microbiología, investigación clínica, medicina interna

    El Dr. Cunningham tiene un master de la escuela militar en Bethesda, Maryland y completó su residencia en obstetricia y ginecología y una beca en endocrinología reproductiva e infertilidad en el NIH. Sacó su doctorado en inmunología de la Universidad Wake Forest. El Dr. Cunningham ha publicado 25 artículos de investigación y dos libros, también ha estado editando manuscritos de autores internacionales desde el 2002. El Dr. Cunningham tiene un amplio interés y experiencia en ciencia básica y disciplinas clínicas, entre ellas salud de la mujer, oncología y hematología, microbiología e inmunología, enfermedades infecciosas, endocrinología y metabolismo.

  • Dr. Davies /PhD / Molecular and Cellular Biology, Oncology, Immunology, Biochemistry, Genetics

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dr. Dement / PhD / Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology

    Dr. Dement obtained his Ph.D. in Microbiology from the School of Molecular Biosciences at Washington State University where he studied cancer cell biology and mitochondrial gene regulation. His current postdoctoral research in the Department of Immunology at Baylor College of Medicine is focused on immune cell signaling and autoimmunity. He has manuscripts published in journals such as Exp. Cell Research, Oncogene, and Nature Immunology and his experience editing grants and manuscripts for young, established, and international scientists is extensive. Currently, he is funded by an NIH research and teaching fellowship and is involved in teaching and mentoring undergraduate students at University of Houston-Downtown. Dr. Dement specializes in immunology, microbiology, and molecular and cellular biology.t

  • Dr. Eissa / MD & MPH / Surgery, Radiology, Public Health, Infectious Diseases, International Health, Toxicology

    Dr. Eissa received his B.S. degree (with honors) in Natural Sciences, from Johns Hopkins, and his M.D., and M.P.H. degrees, also with honors, in International Health, from Johns Hopkins/University of Maryland. He did his residency in General Surgery at the University of California, Irvine, and in Radiology, at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. Dr. Eissa, a published author, veteran medical writer, and editor, founded a International Consulting firm, a full-service medical communications, training, web services, and marketing communications company, located in the San Francisco Bay Area. He specializes in documenting topics in biotechnology, surgery, radiology, public health, infectious diseases and international health, as well as neurosciences, physiology, toxicology and virology.

  • Dr. Farrag / MD / Surgery, Molecular biology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology, Anatomy, Oncology

    Dr. Farrag obtained a M.S. degree in Clinical Investigation, and completed Residency Training in Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, which was followed by a Fellowship in Head & Neck Surgical Oncology/Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. During his time, he authored over 29 peer-reviewed publications in the fields of Head & Neck Surgery, Oncology, Molecular Biology & genetics. This entire experience has been gained at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. He is a reviewer in multiple Journals, has authored multiple Text Book Chapters, presented at over 25 national meetings, and he was featured at multiple articles in national newspapers, including Physicians’ Weekly & Facial Plastic Times. Dr. Farrag has served as an editor for the grant applications for Johns Hopkins, for TriMark Publications and Biomed Proofreading.

  • Dr. Fesinmeyer/ Doctorado y Master/ Epidemología, genética, salud pública, oncología, biología celular y molecular

    Dr. Fesinmeyer has a B.S. in Genetics and an MPH and PhD in Public Health Genetics. She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate conducting multidisciplinary research in cancer epidemiology, genetic epidemiology, and health services and outcomes research. She has published in journals such as the American Journal of Preventive Medicine and Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention, and has taught epidemiology and bioethics courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. She also has experience in grant writing and science journalism and has been an ad hoc reviewer for peer-reviewed journals such as the American Journal of Public Health and Carcinogenesis.

  • Dr. Francisco/ Master/ Pediatría, psiquiatría/ psicología, medicina interna, cirugía, biología celular y molecular

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dr. Gallicchio / Doctorado/ Biología molecular, endocrinología, bioquímica, microbiología

    El Dr. Gallichio obtuvo su licenciatura (con honores) en microbiología y bioquímica en la Universidad de Melbourne, y un doctorado en medicina estudiando la trombosis y las enfermedades renales en la Universidad de Monash. Las áreas científicas específicas en las que ha trabajado son: anticuerpos antinucleares, factores que agravan el rabdomiosarcoma, biología vascular, encimas fibrionolíticas y transducción de señales y caminos endocíticos en la diabetes.

  • Dr. Gass/ Doctorado/ Biología molecular y celular, inmunología, oncología, microbiología, virología

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dra. Gibson/ Doctorado en farmacología/ Farmacología, bioquímica, anatomía humana, psicología, investigación clínica

    La Dra. Gibson sacó si licenciatura en Bioquímica en la Universidad de Clemson, con una investigación que indagaba en la estructura y la función de las enzimas. Trabajó en el ámbito de la investigación genómica y la secuencia del ADN, donde completó el Proyecto Internacional para la Secuencia del Genoma del Arroz. Obtuvo su doctorado en farmacología en el Medical College de Virginia. Como farmacéutica sus intereses incluyen la promoción del antibiótico adecuado para disminuir la carga de los organismos resistentes a varios tipos de medicina. La Dra. Gibson es también una comunicadora médica con experiencia en la investigación y la preparación de publicaciones científicas, desarrollando materiales de relación pública, creando recursos educacionales y presentaciones, así como editando manuscritos técnicos. Tiene experiencia en una amplia gama de disciplinas científicas.

  • Dra. Graesser/ Doctorado/ Microbiología, inmunología, virología, patología, anatomía humana

    La Dra. Graesser sacó su doctorado investigando en los departamentos de inmunobiología y patología en la facultad de medicina de la Universidad de Yale. Ha publicado su investigación en publicaciones revisadas por expertos en las áreas de autoinmunidad, biología vascular, metaloproteínas de matriz, adhesión celular y medicina veterinaria. La Dra. Graesser ha trabajado en la industria de la comunicación médica desde el 2007, en las áreas terapéuticas de enfermedades infecciosas, hemofilia, diabetes, oncología, disfunción eréctil entre otras. Sus obras como escritora médica incluyen monografías, solicitudes de subvenciones, resúmenes de conferencias y una gran variedad de simposios de educación médica y materiales resistentes. También ha sido profesora de Universidad durante 20 años, en la actualidad enseña microbiología y anatomía a los estudiantes de enfermería.

  • Dra. Harrison / Doctorado/ Fisiología, biología celular y molecular, inmunología, neurociencia, bioquímica

    La Dra. Harrison sacó su licenciatura en Molecular y microbiología en la Universidad of Florida Central. Donde estudió química orgánica y biología molecular como ayudante de investigación, y donde primeramente descubrió su talento para la escritura y edición biomédica. Continuó sacándose un doctorado en psicología y genómica funcional en la Universidad de Florida. Su trabajo de graduación sobre la reacción redox de la expresión génica en las neuronas y la influencia de la aterosclerosis en la hipertensión. Sus estudios de postdoctorado en la Universidad de Toronto se centraron en la inmunología tumoral y los efectos del metabolismo celular, específicamente O-GlcNAcilación, en la transducción de señal y la eficacia del inmuno- y la quimioterapia. La Dra. Harrison ha creado y editado muchos manuscritos y solicitudes de subvenciones y tiene una amplia experiencia en las ediciones de hablantes de inglés no nativos.

  • Dr. Joyner / PhD / Molecular and Cellular Biology, Virology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics

    Dr. Joyner earned a B.S. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from The University of Texas. She went on to earn her Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from Vanderbilt University. During her graduate training she served as the Secretary for the Vanderbilt Editors?Club and gained extensive experience editing for non-native English speakers. Dr. Joyner is currently conducting research on HIV-1 virus-host interactions at Vanderbilt University. She has broad training and interest in the biomedical sciences, including biochemistry, molecular biology, cellular biology, cancer biology, signal transduction, genetics, cellular physiology, and virology.

  • Dr. Lisa-HW / MD & MPH / Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, Microbiology, Clinical Investigation, Virology

    Dr. Hightow-Weidman is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Department of Infectious Diseases, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Dr. Hightow-Weidman completed her medical school training at the University of Virginia and became board certified in Internal Medicine in 2001 after completing three years residency training at Stanford University. She completed three years of fellowship training in Infectious Diseases at UNC-Chapel Hill. In 2004, she earned a Masters in Public Health in Epidemiology from the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Public Health. Her interests include acute HIV infection, HIV prevention for men who have sex with men using both the Internet and technology and the intersection of HIV and STDs. She has been published in such journals as the New England Journal of Medcine, JAIDS, American Journal of Public Health and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

  • Dr. Hoyle / PhD / Microbiology, Oncology, Internal Medicine, Virology, Physiolo

    Dr. Hoyle holds a PhD in microbiology. During his 15-year research career, his research focused on bacterial ultrastructure and the structure/antibiotic resistance of bacterial biofilms. Since 2000, he has been a science writer/editor. He has authored and edited over 1,000 peer-reviewed papers, grant applications, press releases, vision documents, technology reports, encyclopedia entries, research summaries, and articles for the popular press, and has extensive experience in assisting non-English speaking authors.

  • Dr. Isenburg PhD Vascular/cardiovascular, Pathology, Experimental Surgery, Clinical Investigation, Biochemistry

    Dr. Isenburg has extensive laboratory experience dedicated toward investigating cardiovascular and vascular devices, therapies, and pathologies. He also has a broad interest in many other related fields, such as experimental statistics. His research has resulted in publications within multiple medical science journals such as Circulation, Biomaterials, and American Journal of Pathology. His background and experience provide him with the ability to simultaneously provide editing services for the engineering, medical, and general science fields. Dr. Isenburg holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and a PhD in Bioengineering from Clemson University.

  • Dr. Kelly / PhD / Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics, Virology, Oncology

    Dr. Kelly received a Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and performed postdoctoral work within the Influenza Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She continued to pursue her love of science and writing by entering the biocuration field and developing written content for several proteomic database products. She has authored several journal articles and grants, and has been editing manuscripts for international authors since 2006. Her research and biocuration backgrounds have given her experience in several fields within the biological sciences, including human and cellular genetics, virology, immunology and oncology.

  • Dr. Kray / PharmD / Pharmacology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Clinical Investigation, Biochemistry, Immunology

    Dr. Kray obtained a Ph.D. in Pharmacology from Vanderbilt University in 2005. She has published in top journals such as the Journal of Biological Chemistry. She currently serves as the Manager of Clinical Science at Novum Pharmaceutical Research Services and actively involved in study design, protocol writing, statistical analysis and regulatory submissions. Dr. Kray has actively written and edited various forms of scientific and medical communication since 2003. Her areas of interest and expertise span from basic molecular life science to Phase 3 clinical trials.

  • Dr. Lavelle/ Master/ Medicina interna, psiquiatría, investigación clínica, genética, enfermedades infecciosas, epidemiología

    El Dr. Lavelle se graduó con un máster y una licenciatura en la Universidad de Sydney. Hizo prácticas de atención primaria como médico en una gran variedad de prácticas generales en Sydney y en la rural NSW de Australia, antes de convertirse en un editor a tiempo completo, periodista y escritor. Ha editado la sección de empleo del Medical Journal of Australia, ha formado parte de la plantilla de periodistas y presentadores en la Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Trabajó como editor independiente para editoriales como McGraw Hill, Random House y Readers Digest.

  • Dr. Leyva/ Doctorado / Biología celular y molecular, bioquímica, farmacología, oncología, microbiología

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dra. Londe/ Master/ Oncología, microbiología, virolgía, medicina interna, biología celular y molecular

    La Dra. Londe es licenciada en biología y sacó su master en la Universidad de Missouri-Columbia. Tiene más de 20 años de experiencia en investigación y en el desarrollo del diagnóstico de enfermedades infecciosas, es un experto en el ámbito de la desactivación fotoquímica de los patógenos de los virus como el VIH y el VHC. Disfruta sobre todo con la edición de manuscritos de una amplia variedad de temas, que han sido escritos por hablantes de inglés no nativos, centrándose en la oncología, enfermedades infecciosas, medicina interna en general, diagnóstico, biología celular y molecular, investigación clínica y básica. También está interesada en la investigación veterinaria en las áreas de las enfermedades infecciosas y la oncología.

  • Dr. Marcellin / MD & MPH / Internal Medicine, Public Health/Infectious Disease/International Health, Clinical Investigation

    Dr. Marcellin’s editorial interests include infectious disease epidemiology, vaccine development and clinical trials, health systems research, healthcare disparities, and global maternal-fetal health. She received her MD from Eastern Virginia Medical School. She has a MS degree in public health from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, with a concentration in infectious diseases and international health. She is board certified in internal medicine with extensive clinical experience in multiple settings, including resource-poor areas of East Africa. Her editorial experience prior to joining BioMed Proofreading includes providing content-expert review, editing, and writing of internal medicine and public health manuscripts for both the pharmaceutical industry and a syndicated medical news provider.

  • Dr. McKenna / PhD / Biology, Plant Ecology, Ecology Vegetable, Climate Change, Plant Population Dynamics, Agriculture

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dr. Miller / PhD / Surgery, Internal Medicine, Physiology, Pathology, Clinical Investigation

    Dr. Miller obtained a B.S. in Exercise Science, an M.A. in Exercise Physiology, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Applied Physiology. He is currently a project manager for a medical products company that specializes in treatment of cardiovascular diseases. His research interests include surgery, internal medicine, physiology, pathology, and clinical investigation. He has published over two dozen manuscripts and abstracts over the last 5 years in top journals such as Chest, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Bone, American Journal of Cardiology, FASEB Journal, Obesity, and more. Dr. Miller serves as an editor for BioMed Proofreading and consults with several companies to develop study designs for clinical trials.

  • Dr. Morris / PhD / Neuroscience, Physiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Human Anatomy

    Dr. Morris received a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Wyoming. During her graduate work, Dr. Morris spent extensive time studying brain interactions with systemic physiology and endocrinology. During her post-doctoral training, Dr. Morris has increased her expertise to include animal and human behaviors as well as molecular biology techniques. Furthermore, she has extensive expertise in maintaining administrative reports, including IACUC and IRB protocols, has successful funding of grants, and a strong publication record of peer reviewed manuscripts and invited book chapters.

  • Dra. Paquette/ Doctorado/ Neurociencia, psiquiatría/ psicología, farmacología, fisiología, bioquímica

    La Dra. Paquette recibió un master y un doctorado en psicología/ neurociencia de la conducta. Entre sus investigaciones se incluyen la farmacoterapia para el Parkinson y la disquinesia inducida por L-Dopa empleando el modelo de ratas 6-OHDA. Ha publicado en diarios como Psychopharmacology and Behavioural Brain Research. La Dra. Paquette tiene un gran interés en la neurociencia y en la neurología pero también la tiene en la edición de escritos clínicos y preclínicos de hablantes de inglés nativos y no nativos.

  • Dr. Phelan/ Master/ Medicina interna, cirugía, oncología, inmunología, genética

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dr. Philpott / PhD / Molecular Biology, Physiology, Oncology, Protein Chemistry, Pathology, Reproduction Bioinformatics

    Dr. Philpott obtained a BA/BSc in Neuroendocrinology (2003) and obtained her PhD (2008), investigating the roles of serine protease Htra3, in ovarian development and function in the rat and the primate and in human gynecological cancers. She has co-authored 8 research based publications and 12 presentations, both nationally and internationally. She has completed Scientific Communication/Media Training with Science in Public (2008). Dr. Philpott has vast experience in writing, editing and reviewing manuscripts, posters, presentations, ethics approvals and philanthropic and research grants. She has worked in postdoctoral research positions, as a grant writer for leading Australian health facility Royal Women’s Hospital and currently works as a biomedical/scientific editor.

  • Dr. Price / PhD / Clinical Investigation, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Protein Chemistry, Virology, Physiology

    Based in England, UK, Dr Price holds a first degree in cell biology and biochemistry from York University and a PhD in biochemistry from Bath University, during which she developed antibody-based systems for the detection of mammalian enzymes. She has worked in biomedical communications since 1995, with positions including Managing Editor of Health Press Ltd (Oxford) and Editorial Manager at the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (‘NICE’, the independent body set up to issue guidance to the National Health Service). Through her work for pharmaceutical companies, publishing houses and medical communications agencies, Dr Price has worked in a wide range of subject areas, and has extensive experience in the development of items for national and international audiences.

  • Dra. Quinn/ Master en obstetricia y ginecología/ cirugía, medicina interna, patología, anatomía, radiología

    La Dra. Quinn asistió a la escuela médica en la Pennsylvania State University College de Medicina y completó su residencia en la Phoenix Integrated Residency en obstetricia y ginecología en Arizona. Ejerció en los campos de la obstetricia y la ginecología durante 4 años antes de cambiar su carrera e introducirse en el mundo de la edición médica y la comunicación. Sus áreas de especialidad incluyen la obstetricia y la ginecología, cirugía, medicina interna, radiología y anatomía. Sus intereses incluyen los viajes, las películas, el senderismo, el yoga, el baile, la lectura y la escritura. Su marido y ella son padres orgullosos de 2 gatos.

  • Dr. Reece / PhD / Molecular and Cellular Biology; Proteomics; Biochemistry; Oncology; Pharmacology

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dr. Schirf/ Master/ Patología, oncología, microbiología, medicina interna, investigación clínica

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dr. Smith / PhD / Oncology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Internal Medicine, Clinical Investigation

    Dr. Smith received a BS in Biology and a MS in Biology with a focus in animal science research. She received a PhD in Cancer Biology from Wake Forest University. Her research interests include cellular signaling, cellular proliferation, and apoptotic regulation. Dr Smith has experience writing monographs and CME programs specializing in oncology (i.e. prostate, breast, lymphoma, pancreatic, bone, and non-small cell lung cancer). In addition, her broad interests include molecular and cellular biology, microbiology, Internal Medicine, and clinical investigation.

  • Dra. Srinivasan/ Doctorado/ Biología celular y molecular, bioquímica, oncología, fisiología, investigación clínica

    La Dra. Srinivasan sacó la carrera de bioquímica en la Universidad de Southampton, Reino Unido. Después obtuvo su doctorado en investigación cardiovascular en 2005, centrándose en señalar los caminos que afectan a la contracción de las arteriolas. También tiene experiencia de primera mano en el campo de la oncología, habiendo trabajado durante 3 años llevando investigaciones en la identificación de las células madre del cáncer en el Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (IRCC) en Turin, Italia. La Dra. Srinivasan se ha centrado primariamente en la edición científica de 2009, y además posee un amplio conocimiento sobre un gran ámbito de ciencias médicas y biológicas.

  • Dra. Stachnik/ Doctorado en farmacología/ investigación clínica, farmacología, medicina interna, psiquiatría/psicología, oncología

    La Dra. Stachnik obtuvo su licenciatura y su doctorado en farmacología en la Universidad de Illinois. Como farmacéutica, sus áreas incluyen la nutrición, medicina intensiva, enfermedades infecciosas y medicina general. Su trabajo actual es la educación, enseña bioestadística, evaluación literaria y desórdenes en la coagulación de la sangre. Ha escrito y editado manuscritos, informes médicos y programas educacionales para farmacología, enfermería y medicina, en una amplia variedad de campos. También tiene publicaciones centradas en la farmacología. Su experiencia e intereses son variados e incluyen la bioestadística, elaboración de ensayos clínicos, y la farmacoterapia de las enfermedades.

  • Dra. Steele/ Doctorado/ Inmunología, microbiología, biología celular y molecular, virología, investigación clínica

    La Dra. Steele tiene un doctorado en microbiología. Con su investigación, la Dra. Steele desarrolló un fuerte conocimiento en la inmunología, las enfermedades infecciosas, la inflamación, el envejecimiento, las formas y mecanismos de la muerte celular y los estudios de investigación clínicos y traslacional. Ha publicado muchos manuscritos revisados por expertos, ha escrito y editado material científico sobre un número siempre en aumento de temas. La Dra. Steel también ha obtenido las credenciales de Certified Grant Writer, concedidas por la American Grant Writers Association. Se implica en ayudar a los científicos para difundir su trabajo y aumentar su conocimiento científico.

  • Dr. Stewart-Clark / PhD / Bioengineering, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Dentistry, Clinical Investigation, Pathology

    Dr. Stewart-Clark holds a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Clemson-MUSC Joint Bioengineering Program and the Department of Regenerative Medicine in Charleston, South Carolina. Her current research focus involves drug delivery, biomaterials development, and stem cell engineering. She has authored three book chapters and several articles in the focus areas of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, with emphasis on dental materials, orthopaedics, and kidney bioprinting.

  • Dr. Stubbs / PhD / Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Pharmacology, Neuroscience

    Dr Stubbs obtained a BSc in Biochemistry, a MSc in Analytical Chemistry and a PhD in Biochemistry in the UK. He is currently working in thecell signaling field specializing in fluorescence microscopy imaging. Hehas directed a research laboratory for many years in the US working onsignal transduction. He has published in many journals including Nature,Biochemistry, J. Biological Chemistry, Biophysical Journal and hasserved on the Editorial boards of the later two journals and on theJournal of Lipid Research. He is an experience grant writer having received NIH and other funding, has served on NIH panels and has servedas a Biomed editor since 2004.

  • Dra. Styers/ Doctorado/ Biología celular y molecular, bioquímica, biología oncológica, genética, química proteica

    La Dra. Styers obtuvo su doctorado en bioquímica, biología celular y del desarrollo en la Universidad de Emory. Ha publicado múltiples manuscritos en reconocidos diarios como Molecular Biology of the Cell. La Dra. Styers tiene una amplia experiencia editando manuscritos, solicitudes de subvenciones y disertaciones de autores internacionales durante sus años formativos. Le interesan diversas disciplinas biomédicas como la biología molecular y celular, bioquímica, biología oncológica, genética y la química proteica.

  • Dr. Taylor/ Doctorado en farmacología/ Farmacología, neurociencia, fisiología, bioquímica, investigación clínica

    El Dr. Taylor se licenció con honores en química, biología y matemáticas y un doctorado en farmacología centrado en el diseño y caracterización farmacológica de nuevos antagonistas de receptores. El Dr. Taylor completó una beca de postdoctorado que se centraba en el descubrimiento de medicinas y el desarrollo de proyectos medicinales en áreas cardiovasculares y de la neurociencia. La American Heart Association le dio financiación, ha sido invitado a reuniones nacionales e internacionales y ha publicado numerosos artículos revisados, de temas farmacológicos, química péptida y oncología. El Dr. Taylor ha revisado un libro de texto y como revisor ad hoc para varios diarios evaluados por expertos.

  • Dr. Thurston / PhD / Molecular Pharmaceutics, Chemical Biology, Biochemistry, Organic/medicinal/analytical Chemistry

    Dr. Thurston earned his B.S. in Biochemistry from Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University and a Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry & Natural Products from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His doctoral work involved the development of enzyme inhibitors for potential use in cancer chemotherapy. Postdoctoral positions at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City and at The University of Texas at Austin added to his patents and publications in such journals as Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Neuropeptides. In 1991, he began work as a molecular graphics specialist and science editor for the American Chemical Society journals division. In addition, as a freelance science writer, his reviews of new laboratory instrumentation have been published in The Scientist.

  • Dr. Thill / PhD / Microbiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biochemistry, Protein Structure

    Dr. Thill received her Ph.D. in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from the Medical College of Wisconsin. As a postdoctoral fellow, Her research has focused on bacterial pathogenesis, signal transduction, and structure-function properties of protein toxins. She has published multiple peer-reviewed manuscripts, served as an adjunct reviewer for the Journal of Biological Chemistry, and has several years of experience as a freelance medical writer and English editor of scientific manuscripts. Her areas of expertise include microbiology, molecular and cellular biology, and biochemistry.

  • Dra. Vadola/Docotorado/Química orgánica e inorgánica, química polimérica y proteica, microbiología, farmacología, bioquímica

    La Dra. Vadola sacó su licenciatura en bioquímica en el Providence College y su doctorado en Química en la Universidad de Columbia. Después acabó sus estudios de postdoctorado centrándose en la biología molecular y la patogénesis microbiana en la Universidad Rockefeller. En la actualidad es científica, escribe y edita textos médicos, tiene experiencia en la preparación de manuscritos, revisión de artículos, solicitudes de subvenciones, diapositivas e informes de estudios clínicos. Las áreas científicas que le interesan son la química, biología química, microbiología, farmacología y medicina clínica.

  • Dr. Vali / MD / Oncology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Protein Chemistry, Biochemistry, Radiology

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dr. Vox / MD / Neuroscience, Clinical Investigation, Psychology / Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Surgery

    Sin descripción disponible

  • Dr. Tucker / PhD / Molecular and Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, Oncology, Clinical Investigation

    Dr. Tucker received a PhD from the University of Arizona, Tucson, and completed his postdoctoral research in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Dr. Tucker has several years of experience as a fulltime science editor specializing in editing and rewriting manuscripts for non-native English speakers. He has broad interests and is familiar with most life science and medical disciplines. His specific areas of expertise include oncology and cancer research, genetics, microbiology, and all aspects of molecular and cellular biology.

  • Dra. Weigle/ Master/ Investigación clínica, enfermedades infecciosas, pediatría, microbiología, virología

    La Dra. Weigle posee 25 años de experiencia en la escritura de textos científicos y médicos. Tiene una licenciatura en microbiología y un master sacado en la Universidad de Pittsburgh, además de un máster en epidemiología de la Universidad Johns Hopkins. Acabó su residencia en la unidad de pediatría y su beca de investigación en la unidad de enfermedades infecciosas y epidemiología clínica. Es una exitosa investigadora médica, profesora, autora, revisora y asesora académica en los EE.UU y en el extranjero. Ha editado innumerables manuscritos y solicitudes de subvenciones de autores que no son hablantes nativos de inglés. Sus áreas de experiencia básicas son las enfermedades infecciosas, epidemiología, investigación clínica, pediatría y microbiología, pero también edita diversas áreas como la de salud pública, salud ambiental, investigación de los servicios de salud, inmunología, neurología, cardiología, oncología, cirugía y medicina de emergencia.

  • Dr. Weaver / MO / Surgery, Geriatrics, Pain Management & Palliative Care, Health Care Administration, Biochemistry

    Dr. Weaver is a graduate of Florida International University (B.S. Biological Sciences; N.I.H. M.B.R.S Program Undergraduate Research in Fungal Genetics) and Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.), where she was the campus editor of the Osteopathic Student Newspaper,The Pulse, as well as an officer in Student Government. During her post-graduate training, Dr. Weaver specialized in General Surgery and Critical Care, with an interest in Pediatrics. She has also been experienced in Health Care Administration, Information Management, Web- and Database Design, and Geriatrics, Palliative Care and Pain Management.

  • Dr. Wessling / PhD / Biophysics, Biochemistry, Neuroscience, Immunology, Physiology, Chemistry

    Dr. Wessling received her BA in Chemistry from Cornell University, MS in Physical Chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania, and PhD in the History of Medicine and Science from the University of Michigan. Her research experience is in immunology and structure of materials. She turned to medical writing and editing after 20 years in academia (Stanford, University of Michigan). She has recently published her translation of W.G. Ploucquet’s Der Arzt, a classic in the history of medical ethics, in side-by-side German-English. Her current activities, along with freelance medical and scientific editing and writing, include translating scientific and medical German for FDA submissions, and acting as a volunteer editor for the Central European Journal of Medicine.

  • Dra. Wolff/ Doctorado/Biología celular y molecular, genética, inmunología, bioquímica, microbiología

    La Dra. Wolff ha trabajado en los laboratorios de investigación en UCLA y USC. Se marchó de Los Angeles con un doctorado en bioquímica para hacer una beca de postdoctorado en Seattle. Es la coautora en más de 15 publicaciones revisadas por expertos y tiene una amplia experiencia en la escritura y edición de manuscritos. Ha escrito artículos sobre micorbiología, bioquímica, biología molecular, epigenética y oncología. Ha editado manuscritos sobre muchas disciplinas (economía, física y química, ciencias de la computación) hechos por hablantes no nativos de inglés. Además tiene formación en lo relativo a la redacción y edición de solicitudes de subvenciones.

  • Dr. Wulffson/Master/Genética, ultrasonido, cirugía, odontología, obstetricia y ginecología, radiología

    El Dr. Wulffson es un obstetra y ginecólogo certificado, y miembro del American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Después de acabar el servicio militar, acabó su residencia de 3 años en obstetricía y ginecología en el Kaiser Permanente Medical Center de Los Ángeles. Tras casi 3 décadas en el ejercicio privado de la profesión, cambió el rumbo hacia la redacción independiente, principalmente en el ámbito de las ciencias de la salud.